Christmas 2020

by thecurrytheory

Dear readers,

Sorry for the delay but Wishing each and every one of you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I had a wonderful time with my loved ones and we baked and cooked a lot of stuff 🙂 It was amazing!!

We pray and hope this New Year 2020 brings all joy, love, peace, and happiness to you all the way!

here’s a little highlight of all the things we made!

Yup!! all homemade! 🙂 The one in the centre is called Chakli and that’s mae with lentil flour andrice flour is is on the savory or spicy side. And My hubby and son decided to make my mom in laws amazing Trinidadian style pound cake called Sponge cake cause that’s how fluffy it is.

And my most favorite Indian Christmas dessert that I grew up with Karanji (its stuff with dry fruits, coconut, raisins, and cream of wheat with confectionery sugar all roasted in Ghee)


That’s all for now! have a blessed Day!

And Last but not least, Christmas isn’t over until I have some Biryani

(rice with spices and meat)

Anyways, All my love to you! Enjoy your Holidays

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